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Selected Publications


1. Davidov O, Herman A (2011). Multivariate stochastic orders induced by case-control sampling. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 13: 139-154.


2. Davidov O, Peddada SD (2011). Order restricted inference for multivariate binary data with application to toxicology. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106: 1394-1404.


3. Davidov O, Herman A (2012). Ordinal dominance curve based inference for stochastically ordered distributions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 74: 825-847.


4. Davidov O, Peddada SD (2013). The linear stochastic order and directed inference for multivariate ordered distributions. The Annals of Statistics, 41: 1-40.


5. Davidov O, Fokianos K, Iliopoulos G (2014). Semiparametric inference for the two-way layout under order restrictions.  Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41, 662-638.


6. Rosen S, Davidov O (2017). Ordered regressions. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44: 817-842.


7. Kaul A, Davidov O Peddada (2017). Analysis of high dimensional compositional data containing structural

zeros with application to microbiome data. Biostatistics, 18: 422-433.


8. Oliveira IFD, Zehavi S, Davidov O (2018). Stochastic transitivity: axioms and models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 85: 25-35.


9. Davidov O, Jelsema C, Peddada SD (2018). Testing for inequality constraints in singular models by trimming or winsorizing the variance matrixJournal of the American Statistical Association, 113: 906-918.


10. Oliveira IFD, Ailon N, Davidov O (2018). A new and flexible approach to the analysis of paired comparison data. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 19: 1-29.



11. Singh SP, Davidov O (2019). On the design of experiments with ordered treatments. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 81: 881-900.

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